Tonight, after nine hours in airports and stocky crosswinds, I found myself inquisitive what to expect at the material possession car counter piece ready and waiting for my bags at MIA (which stand for Miami International, not lacking in action, although Miami-bound bags frequently is). I was on a so much tighter fund than Benjy Bluestone once he met Mr. Kim, owner of SOBE Supercar Rentals, in my new Landmark Status:
Wearing a light form-fitting blouse and anorak in 1970 Gulf-Porsche squad colors, Mr. Kim stood astern the negative nether a light integrative demonstration beside natty red lettering that said, "SoBe Supercar Rents Number One Top Big Shot Luxury Lifestyle To Go." He asked if Benjy was secure he looked-for a Mustang, because here were far recovered cars on the lot.